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April 16 Almoners Blog


In my last blog I mentioned that my short time in office had been busy but nevertheless very rewarding. On occasion, however, inspiration comes from the service of others. I am, of course, talking about those brethren who are selfless in the service of their brother mason.

You might, quite rightly, assume that I am talking about your lodge almoner but that is not necessarily the case, indeed quite the opposite. The brethren i am referring to, are those whose service to their brother mason will go unnoticed. Undoubtedly there are many such brethren across our province.

To quote our PGM, Bro Jim Ellis these brethren demonstrate our masonic principles at their highest level and they must be commended most sincerely for that.

Almoners Fair

It’s said that time flys when your enjoying yourself and that has most certainly been the case working with your lodge almoners in organising the fair which takes place on 30 April 2016 within the premises of Lodge Polkement 927 from 10-1pm.

Whilst apprehensive about my first fair as Provincial Grand Almoner I am very much looking forward to the day. The support shown by our PGM, Bro Jim Ellis and you the brethren of our province has been remarkable for which I thank you most sincerely. Remember brethren all funds raised on the day help toward the cost of the Almoner’s concert, the childrens halloween party and the christmas hampers which we distribute to the elderly and/or good causes at the end of the year. When we support each other we can achieve great things.

See you in Whitburn on the 30th !!


Brethern like many of you I am looking forward to the recess and to recharging the batteries for the second half of this masonic session. On behalf of the almoners of the province I hope you and your families enjoy a well earned and relaxing break.

However it is also sadly true that illness and bereavement does not take a break. To those brethren currently suffering illness or bereavement our thoughts are with you and we hope the recess enables a speedy return to your respective lodges.

Please keep your lodge almoner updated during the recess so that we can continue to show our brethren the much needed help and support they deserve.

Please also take a few minutes to complete a feedback survey on this communication


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