Travelling Trowel: The Traveling Trowel is now in the Safe hands of Lodge St Margaret, No 548
To Claim the Trowel its £2 per head with a minimum of 7 within the deputation
200 Club - If you wish to be part of the PGL 200 Club, please send an email to Bro Alan Borsbey PGDOC at the following email address..
Cost is £10 per year which qualifies you for 2 draws. Payments MUST be received by 31st January to qualify. No Payments will be accepted on the night of the draw. (February and October)
1st Prize £200, 2nd prize £100 and 3rd prize £50
Can I firstly take this opportunity to wish each and every one of you and your families a Very Happy and Prosperous New Year. We are now mid way through our Installation Season and Id like to congratulate all those Reigning Masters who have already, and are due to be installed into their mother Lodges.
Provincial Grand Lodge is also very busy as we get ready for our own Installation on Friday 2nd February within the premises of Lodge Polkemmet No.927. 7pm Tyle
As I take on my 3rd year as PGM, I would also like to thank each and every lodge for their support. It has been greatly appreciated.
Don't forget brethren, Provincial Grand Lodge are here to assist every lodge within the province.
Our Brother Secretary is back on the mend following his recent accident and
it 's great to see Grant back amongst the brethren. Grant will resume his capacity as Secretary at our installation in February. Thanks go to DPGM Bro Tommy Walker for taking over the reigns as Provincial Grand Secretary during Grants absence.
The pandemic certainly took its toll on All lodges within the scottish craft and many within our own province. Attendances have declined and i would urge you all to support your mother lodge and other lodges within the Province.
Have a great year
Provincial Grand Master