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Education is being approached on an ad hoc basis just now with initiatives such as a "Walk thro' Degree", Young Members' Degree, Education Booklets and Young Members' Forum.

There is no Education Committee as such but Brethren are appointed to lead identified initiatives.


Currently Brother Allan Baker, SPGM, is leading the group charged with adapting Education Booklets.

Please ensure you have read the Guidelines from Grand Lodge on Masonic Etiquette

Next Opportunity:

  • Walk Through Degree - Wednesday 25th January within Lodge Hope Bridge Castle No827

  • Rosslyn Chapel Visitation  11th March

  • New Members (3 years or less experience within the craft) Degree 29th September. Venue TBD

  • Elder Statesmans (70years +) Degree. 29th March within Lodge Hope Bridge Castle No827

  • Young Members Forum coming soon

  • Candidate Information Booklets - coming soon

Archived Material:

Master Before , During and After the Chair

                      : Welcome

                      : Master: Before . During & After

                      : Being a Master; Q&A

Dress Code:

Smart but Casual

Saturday 11th March 2017
Hosted by: Lodge Rosslyn St. Clair No. 606
Facilitated by: Brother Colin Foster, Jnr., Chaplain, Lodge St. Andrew, Livingston Station, No. 1587.

- Saturday 11th March 2017
- We would make our own way to Lodge Rosslyn St Clair, No. 606, for 11.30am. start (brethren may wish to get together and organise mini bus transport)
- Lodge will be opened to receive us – and within the Lodge we will receive a presentation & virtual tour of Rosslyn Chapel, drawing our attention to the various Masonic items of interest. 
- We will then walk the 600yrds to Rosslyn Chapel, and be able to look around and find the various tems drawn to our attention during the virtual tour. Bro Geoff Spence will be at hand to answer questions
- Lodge Rosslyn St. Clair will provide lunch

- After tour we will return to the Lodge where the bar will be open for refreshments, some harmony and a charity raffle

- Under 60 years old: £9
- Over 60 years old (and students): £7
- Food: free of charge – though a donation towards would be most appreciated (or purchase of raffle tickets)

- Parking is free for all outside the Lodge and outside the Chapel.

- The Lodge is set back off the street between 2 houses (a map can be googled online)


- Appropriate for the environment
- Suggested dark suit, lodge tie, overcoat
- No regalia


If you are interested in participating in the tour, please confirm your name (or if travelling as a group – names) to:

- Colin Foster (Jnr) – Chaplain – Lodge St. Andrew Livingston Station No.1587
- Tel: 07841 457 033
- Email: OR
- Colin Foster on Facebook.

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