Travelling Trowel: The Traveling Trowel is now in the hands of Lodge St John Mid Calder No.272
To Claim the Trowel its £2 per head with a minimum of 7 within the deputation
200 Club - If you wish to be part of the PGL 200 Club, please send an email to Bro Alan Borsbey PGDOC at the following email address..
Cost is £10 per year which qualifies you for 2 draws. Payments MUST be received by 31st January to qualify. No Payments will be accepted on the night of the draw. (February and October)
1st Prize £200, 2nd prize £100 and 3rd prize £50
Travelling Trowel - Facebook page - Here
Travelling Trowel - Funds Donated
Dear Provincial Grand Secretary
As there was no deputations at Lodge Blackridge’s Last Meeting held on Tuesday 25th April 2023 and as per the rules of the Travelling Trowel .
The Members decided that we would donate to Blackridge Parish Church who provide the community with a Warm Space to provide snacks and hot drinks as well as a place of warmth and friendship where people can chat, it was agreed that the lodge would donate using whatever was in the Travelling Trowel Box and making the total up to £200.
We opened the box on the 1st of May and found the funds to be a total of £39.50.
The Lodge has sent a cheque to Blackridge Parish Church for £200.
Yours fraternally
Billy Hilson
Travelling Trowel - Rules of Engagement
For those unaware of the purpose of the "Travelling Trowel", it is intended to promote good-hearted rivalry among the Daughter Lodges in the Province, and as a "bonus" to raise donations for Charities.
The "capture" of the Trowel is therefore warmly commended as cheerful, fraternal fun and as a fund generating activity within the Province of Linlithgowshire.
1. The "Open Season" is from 1st May until the following 30th April.
2. The Trowel can only be "captured" by Daughter Lodges in the Province of Linlithgowshire.
3. To "capture" the Trowel a Visiting Lodge must take a Deputation of at least 7 members (honorary members are excluded!) into any
Regular or Special Meeting of the Lodge holding the Trowel. The Visiting Lodge can only "count" its members actually forming the
Deputation that enters the Lodge holding the Trowel. Members of the Visiting Lodge sitting in the "holding" Lodge before the
Deputation enters, non-members in the Deputation and latecomers after the Deputation enters don't "count".
4. Lodges invited for the purpose of conferring a degree in the “holding” Lodge can claim the trowel if there is no other lodge with 7 members or more.
5. Each member of the Visiting Deputation must contribute at least £1 to the "Travelling Trowel Kitty" before the Trowel can be claimed
by the Visiting Lodge and the Brother heading the Deputation must claim the Trowel before the close of the meeting of the Lodge
being visited.
6. In the event of two or more Visiting Deputations, each with at least 7 brethren, visiting the "holding" Lodge, the Visiting Lodge with
the larger Deputation will have first claim on the Trowel, subject to payment into the "Kitty". If there are two or more Lodges each
with the same size of Deputation then each Deputation will be required to contribute to the "Kitty" and thereafter the Lodge entitled
to "capture" the Trowel will be decided in such manner as the Master of the "holding" Lodge may determine on the evening.
7. On the "capture" of the Trowel the successful Lodge should immediately notify the "PROVINCIAL" establishment
(Secretary/Webmaster) so that the location of the Trowel can be recorded for information of Lodges interested in attempting its
8. The "Kitty" will travel with the Trowel and the Master of the Lodge holding the Trowel at any time will be responsible for the safe
custody of the "Kitty".
9. The Lodge holding the Trowel at 30th April shall determine the charity - whether masonic or non-masonic - to which the "Kitty" is to
be donated. Lodges will contact Provincial Grand Lodge intimating the nominated charity and the "Kitty" shall be made
over to the charity as soon as practicable after 30th April. Publicity should be sought when presenting the donation.