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Elder Statesman Degree


70 or over?

Linlithgowshire province will see the first Elder Stateman Degree on Wednesday 29th March 2017 within the premises of Lodge Hope Bridge Castle No827.

As well as the degree, we hope to raise some much  needed funds for Sir James MacKay House  by trying to guess the overall age of the degree team.

Your Provincial representative will be coming round with sheets to guess the overall age in years/months/ days etc.

There will be a nominal fee of £1 per guess.

Lets support our Elder Statesmen and Sir James MacKay House.

Visit to Roslyn Chapel


The tour of Rosslyn Chapel lived up to the high expectations of a first class educational and social experience. Bro. Geoff Spence, IPM, Lodge Rosslyn St Clair, delivered an extremely interesting and informative presentation about the Chapel before the actual tour of the building.


On return to the lodge premises all brethren enjoyed soup and stovies provided by Two Palms Catering. An informal harmony compered by Brother Alan Banks, IPM, 85, and including songs by Brother Wullie Swan, 827, and Brother Gordon Sharp, 272, preceded the drawing of the raffle which raised £125 for charity. 

Many thanks must be extended to Brother Colin Foster, Jnr. , Chaplain, 1587, for his vision and detailed organisation

(Click on the photos for a slideshow)

Virtual Tour
Alan Banks compere
Gordon Sharp Harmony
Willie Swan  Harmony
PGM & Colin
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