Travelling Trowel: The Traveling Trowel is now in the hands of Lodge St John Mid Calder No.272
To Claim the Trowel its £2 per head with a minimum of 7 within the deputation
200 Club - If you wish to be part of the PGL 200 Club, please send an email to Bro Alan Borsbey PGDOC at the following email address..
Cost is £10 per year which qualifies you for 2 draws. Payments MUST be received by 31st January to qualify. No Payments will be accepted on the night of the draw. (February and October)
1st Prize £200, 2nd prize £100 and 3rd prize £50
Elder Statesman Degree
70 or over?
Linlithgowshire province will see the first Elder Stateman Degree on Wednesday 29th March 2017 within the premises of Lodge Hope Bridge Castle No827.
As well as the degree, we hope to raise some much needed funds for Sir James MacKay House by trying to guess the overall age of the degree team.
Your Provincial representative will be coming round with sheets to guess the overall age in years/months/ days etc.
There will be a nominal fee of £1 per guess.
Lets support our Elder Statesmen and Sir James MacKay House.
Queensferry Crossing Walk
Brethren, at a previous PG Committee Meeting, it was agreed that we look into the possibility of organising a charity walk over the new bridge over the River Forth. Brother Bob Potter, PPG Chaplain is leading a working group with reference to this. I can now advise that we have received the attached from Gordon Michie, from Poppy Scotland, which will be the nominated beneficiary of the Walk, confirming that any Brother wishing to walk over the new Queensferry crossing on Saturday 2nd or Sunday 3rd September needs to enter the ballot on the following website:
When you register, you get an opportunity to register 3 others at the same time. The numbers are restricted to 50,000 and the ballot closes in 13 days, midday on Wednesday 5th July. Those selected will be notified by email, thereafter you have to confirm you are participating.
I would strongly encourage your registration and would also ask that you pass this information on to as many Brethren as possible, as soon as possible. This is a wonderful opportunity to take part in a "never to be repeated" experience and to have Freemasons out in force.
Gordon is meeting the minister on Saturday and will advise what can be arranged for the masons, but he is confirming that we register meantime anyway. I'll let you know the outcome and keep you informed of future developments now that we have reached this stage.