Travelling Trowel: The Traveling Trowel is now in the hands of Lodge St John Mid Calder No.272
To Claim the Trowel its £2 per head with a minimum of 7 within the deputation
200 Club - If you wish to be part of the PGL 200 Club, please send an email to Bro Alan Borsbey PGDOC at the following email address..
Cost is £10 per year which qualifies you for 2 draws. Payments MUST be received by 31st January to qualify. No Payments will be accepted on the night of the draw. (February and October)
1st Prize £200, 2nd prize £100 and 3rd prize £50
Provincial Grand Committee
The Provincial Grand Master,
all Past Provincial Grand Masters,
the Commissioned Office-bearers,
the Past Commissioned Office-bearers,
the Senior Provincial Grand Warden,
the Junior Provincial Grand Warden,
the Provincial Grand Treasurer,
the Provincial Grand Almoner,
all other Elective Provincial Grand Office-bearers and the Masters of all Daughter Lodges within the Province.
Disciplinary Committee
The Provincial Grand Master,
all Past Provincial Grand Masters,
Depute Provincial Grand Master,
Substitute Provincial Grand Master,
Provincial Grand Secretary,
all ex officiis with the additions of ...
Brother Allan Baker, P.M. No.1614,
Brother Rodger Muir, P.M. No.827
and Brother Thomas Walker, P.M. No. 272.
Benevolent Committee
The Provincial Grand Master,
all Past Provincial Grand Masters,
Depute Provincial Grand Master,
Substitute Provincial Grand Master,
Provincial Grand Secretary,
Provincial Grand Treasurer,
Provincial Grand Almoner,
all ex officiis, with the additions of....
Brother David Forrest, P.M. No. 636,
Brother Gordon Smith P.M. No. 17
and Brother Thomas Walker P.M. No.272.
Almoners Committee
The Provincial Grand Almoner
and the Almoners of all the Daughter Lodges in the Province.
Provincial Grand Lodge Office-bearers, when attending Lodge Visitations, Installations and Communications, should, where possible, wear dark clothes and white gloves
Brother Andrew Bullions Lodge Kirknewton and Ratho, No. 85
Brother Robert Nicoll PM Lodge Kirknewton and Ratho, No. 85