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Travelling Trowel: The Traveling Trowel is now in the hands of The Douglas Lodge No.409
To Claim the Trowel its £2 per head with a minimum of 7 within the deputation
200 Club - If you wish to be part of the PGL 200 Club, please send an email to Bro Alan Borsbey PGDOC at the following email address..
Cost is £10 per year which qualifies you for 2 draws (February and October)
1st Prize £200, 2nd prize £100 and 3rd prize £50
Charity is taught within your first degree..."If you had it, would you give it".
I'm sure everybody, at some point in their lives, has been blessed with charity. It is a fundamental masonic principle to help others in need.
This page will highlight the wonderful work conducted by lodges within our province and the thankful recipients who graciously receive the charity for those less fortunate.
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